Everything else is just contact cleaner
I learned about CAIG's R5 in 1983. It was THE ONLY contact cleaner I'd ever used, until DeoxIT® D5 and DeoxIT® D100.
Quite simply, CAIG products are the real deal, and everything else is just jive. Recently, a rep from another chemical company (the Big "C") sent me a sample can of their new contact cleaner, promising to "blow away DeoxIT D5, at a cheaper price".
I moistened a cotton swab with THEIR cleaner, and took it to one-half of the dirty edge connector pads on a nasty looking PCB. It barely touched it. I repeated the process with D5. It removed the oxidation immediately.
I promptly tossed the competitors can where it belonged...in the garbage!!!
John R. Frondelli, Tech Services Director dBm Pro Audio/Music Services