How do I clean organ contacts?
I play an organ for a living, my contacts have black oxidation, on the contacts, which makes the type of voice I am tring to use, both upper and lower keyboards. Do you have a spray clearner that will get rid of this build of oxidation?? What is the price / can and how many oz. in the can so I could clean it. Thank you, very much William Hammond, Ind. 46323
Morning William, The DeoxIT Contact Cleaner/Rejuvenator will be perfect for this application. You can use a spray (DN5S-6N) or liquid (D100P or D100L-2DB or D50W). You can spray directly onto the contacts or spray onto a lint-free foam swab (CAIG Part No. SWP) and than apply to contacts. Also you can use the pen or wipes. Alway take care when using any sprays - to avoid overspray onto sensitive areas. The DN5S-6N is safe to use, but we always recommend care when using. Link to DeoxIT products: Good luck, Mark