DeoxIT® & DeoxIT® SHIELD in Ultrasonics
I would to bulk clean and protect copper contacts from oxide. Do you have a bulk product like D5 that I can use in a sonic cleaner? The application is an automotive horn contact which will oxidize from the outgasing of plastic.
D. Sims D & R Technology .....
The ultrasonic process we would recommend is as follows:
The most inexpensive way approach:
Step One: Dilute 5% DeoxIT® in the 100% concentrate with 95% of any approved solvent, i.e., OMS (odorless mineral spirits) etc. Process according to directions.
Allow to air dry or blow dry for about 20-minutes, i.e., OMS (odorless mineral spirits) etc.
Step Two: Dilute 5% DeoxIT® SHIELD in the 100% concentrate with 95% of any approved solvent, i.e., OMS (odorless mineral spirits) etc. Process according to directions.
To avoid the need for dilution, and simplify the process, do the following:
Step One: Pour DeoxIT® in the 5% concentrate into ultrasonic vessel, and process according to directions.
Allow to air dry or blow dry for about 20-minutes, i.e., OMS (odorless mineral spirits) etc.
Step Two: Pour DeoxIT® SHIELD in the 5% concentrate into ultrasonic vessel, and process according to directions. For 100% DeoxIT® concentrate, please reference D100L-2 and D100L-8. For 5% concentrate, please reference D5L-4 and D5L-12. See:
For 100% DeoxIT® SHIELD concentrate, please reference S100L-2 and S100L-8 For 5% concentrate, please reference S5L-4 and S5L-12: See: