Any Problem with DeoxIT® Getting on Plastic Parts?
I've been checking around your web site and reading my DeoxIT® cans, looking for an answer to a simple question. When using your product to treat battery contacts on my computer(s), the spray will probably get on the plastic. Is that safe?
Thank you,
D. Howland
We recommend not spraying directly on any surface that you have ANY questions about. Instead spray a lint-free swab or cloth with the product and treat the surface in that manner.
As far as whether the products are safe on plastic(s), this is what you should know:
The D5S (DeoxIT®) & G5S (DeoxIT® GOLD) series has petroleum naphtha as its carrier solvent and on rare occasions, because it contains solvent, there MAY be an adverse reaction with vintage or inferior plastics.
The DN5 & GN5 series has a carrier solvent that evaporates almost instantly, so the probability of issues in negligible.
The 100% solutions (D100S-2 and G100S-2) contain NO solvent, so they would pose no problem. The only thing would be that you should remove any excess product after treating the surface.