Can DeoxIT® Clean Platters & Turntables?
I was reading on the Roksan Audio Forum about a person that used DeoxIT® to clean a platter and turnatable, and I'm wondering if this is a good product to use on a highly polished aluminum platter?
I am trying to find out if the platter was originally coated with anything or if it is just highly polished. I have tried pure alcohol, but it does not work very well. Some people are using lighter fluid or petrol, and I would rather not use either of them.
Thank you,
M. Livingston .....
DeoxIT® will do a fairly good job on aluminum. If the platter actually had a coating, and it was severely oxidized or corroded, it would probably not be protecting anything, so that shouldn't present a problem.
Another product worth considering to clean the aluminum is the CaiKleen™ TNX. After applying TNX, the surface will be clean, so the next step would be to apply DeoxIT® SHIELD , and remove any excess product by polishing the platter surface.