CaiKote™ EMI & Flexible Nylon
I want to apply CaiKote™ EMI to a flexible nylon surface which will undergo repeated flexing throughout it use. In order to decide on CaiKote's functionality, please answer the following questions:
1) Does CaiKote™ EMI bond well with nylon? Answer: We have no compatibility documentation on nylon and CaiKote™ EMI.
2) Will it flake off with flexing? Answer: It probably would.
3) If it does not flake off, does it remain flexible when cured? Answer: See number 2, above.
4) Would you recommend applying DeoxIT ® SHIELD to a surface coated with CaiKote™ EMI? Answer: No
5) Would the DeoxIT® SHIELD coating remain flexible? Answer: Yes
B. Haiko Armorer X